The world is moving quickly these days. It seems every time I sit down to blog, a news ticker announces that eight things have happened that fundamentally change what I was going to write about. It is very hard to keep up. Frustrating as it is to my blogging muscles, I cannot but take it as a good thing. Everything you’ve ever known is now the dice in a world wide game of Farkle and all you can do is hang on till the dice are thrown.
Never in my memory have I seen so much support for my people, the queers. I know that 10 years ago, the little baby dyke I was would never have thought everyone from the President of the United States to Kermit J Frog would support her right to marry. Hell, when I was pulling my books out of a vandalized locker or outwitting my taunters only one state offered civil unions. The possibility of gay marriage existed only in the tenacious optimism of a seventeen year old. It’s been a decade that I have campaigned fruitlessly against Chik Fil A, and in twenty four hours my Facebook newsfeed was wallpapered in photoshoped images supporting equal marriage, notes and statuses condemning the company, and invitations to at least a dozen protests. It was pretty overwhelming to the rural Texas high school student who was told observing a day of silence in protest of bullying was a safety concern.
As November 6 inches closer and closer, people talk a lot of crap about President Barack Obama, and I am sure a lot of it is deserved. Gun control, bailouts, birth certificates mean a lot to a lot of people. But this little lesbian doesn't give a damn. What President Obama has done in the last four to fix, or screw ,the economy, (depending on your point of view) stands only dimly next to the dominos that he has tipped in the direction of my freedom. Brick by brick the wall that stands between my family and full rights of citizenship is being dismantled. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is dead, just a few years too late for this aspiring Air Force Officer. DOMA is on it’s way out, another laundry list of policy changes and the right to call my wife my wife is officially on the table for his next term. Seeing these wonders on the horizon, when, even as young as I am, I never thought they could happen, doesn't leave any room in my heart for immigration, or health care, or Fast and Furious. It is far too filled with hope of Live and Let Love, and happiness that a new day is dawning in this country. A day that my loved ones and I can finally be proud to call the USA home. Finally feel that we belong here.
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